Hagmann, Lea und Franz Andres Morrissey. (forthcoming 2019) “Multiple Authenticities in Folksong”. In: Claviez, Thomas, Britta Sweers and Kornelia Imesch Oechslin (eds.). Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production. Wilmington: Vernon Press.
Hagmann, Lea and Britta Sweers. (2019). “Local Music: Revalorization and Revival”. In: Sturman, Janet and Golson, J. Geoffrey (eds.). The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Ethnomusicology.
Hagmann, Lea and Volker Dellwo. (2014). “Listeners may rely on intonation to distinguish languages of different rhythm classes.” In: Gil, Juana (ed.). Loquens. Spanish Journal of Speech Sciences. 1:1, 1-11.
Dellwo, Volker and Lea Hagmann. (2011). “Segmental influences on the perception of syllable duration: An approach towards a new perceptual model of speech rhythm”. In: Lee, Wai-Sum and Zee, Eric (eds.). 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Hong Kong, 560-563.