Titleimage: The Institute of Musicology

The Institute of Musicology at the University of Bern distinguishes itself through its focus on the fields of music theater (Musiktheater) and cultural anthropology of music (also known as ethnomusicology). Since summer 2018, the institute has been located within the university building at Mittelstrasse 43, where it coexists alongside many other departments in the humanities. This setting promotes close cooperation with theater studies, dance studies, and art history, and thus enables interdisciplinarity to be forged in informal settings. The building additionally offers an extensive library as well as a sound archive with approximately 6,500 sources of audiovisual media.

With about 100 students and more than 20 employees, the institute offers both a stimulating and pleasant environment that facilitates the necessary support and guidance throughout the course of your studies. A lively collaboration exists between the Institutes of Musicology at the Universities of Fribourg, Zurich, Munich, Salzburg, Graz, Pavia, and Rome. Students who wish to spend a semester abroad are very welcome at one of our partner institutions!

What is musicology?