The Institute of Musicology

Dissertation project from Jifang Sun
Curriculum Vitae
Mini CV
2022 Music Teacher, Zhengzhou Ledao Education Information Limited Company Full-time employee, working on musical education including the education of instruments and music theory

Music Producer, Henan Fudian Cultural Communications Limited Company Full-time employee, working on electronic music production

2017 till 2020

MA. in Historical Musicology, The History of Western Music, School of Music, Henan University, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, P.R. China

2017 till 2019

Instrumental Teacher, Xinmi City No.1 Primary School, Part-time employee, Taught students to play the woodwinds including saxophone and clarinet, and regularly supported orchestra rehearses in the school

2013 till 2017

BA. in Music Performance (Saxophone), School of Music, Xinjiang Arts University, Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, P.R. China

  • Opera Librettos
  • Archives
  • French Music and Culture (18th-19th centuries)
  • Opéra-Comique (18th-19th centuries)
  • Music Sociology
  • Music and Politics and Diplomacy
  • Jifang. Sun, “Notes on the Local Colour of the Opera ‘Richard Coeur-de-lion’” [D]. MA thesis, Henan University, 2020. (in Chinese)
  • Jifang. Sun, “The Inescapable ‘Fatalism’ -- An Analysis of the Implication of ‘Fidelio’” [J]. Song of the Yellow River, 2019(05):25+27. (in Chinese)
  • Jifang. Sun, “Review of A New Book of Translations from Zofia Lissa’s Writings on the Aesthetics of Music” [J]. Northern Music, 2019, 39(14):251+253. (in Chinese)

Entanglement and Interactivity: A Study on Law and Opéra-Comique from 1780 to 1814

Since 1714, when opéra-comique, as an operatic genre, was still a sort of experimental musical drama performed in the Théâtres de la Foire, the genre had always developed and operated its relevant affairs in an exceptionally limited legal space. By 1791, the free loose environment derived from a law issued by the National Assembly on 13 January merely existed for a brief period but provided it with opportunities to approach privilege that it had never had before. As the legacy of the Ancien Régime, many works of the genre were endlessly employed to carry out political propaganda by the authorities built after the French revolution, from a series of revolutionary governments to the First French Empire. In addition to those aimed at enhancing citizens’ national and political identity, a part of the works was engaged in the spread of modern legal thought because the political discourses implied by the productions can also be translated into a sort of legal publicity and education to some degree. This shows that law partook of the affairs related to opéra-comique, but the genre also refracted law and therefore participated in the construction of the legal system. During the turbulent period from 1780 to 1814, a sort of social system and an operatic genre, which may seem, at first glance, as two alien words separated by immense cultural and thematical differences, got involved in entanglements. Therefore, the heart of this project is to reveal such a complicated relationship and determine the social role that opéra-comique played in the modernisation of French society within the given period by responding to references, archives, operatic texts and paper media from the perspectives of traditional historiography, musicology and sociology.

There are three main research questions that this project will pose. First, what impacts have the continual legal system reforms had on matters related to opéra-comique? Second, what legal issues have representative works of the genre raised, how were these legal issues expressed through literary texts and musical texts of the works, and what is the relationship between these legal issues described and the legal system? Third and finally, how were these works received, and could the audience’s comments and attitude towards the works force the composers and librettists to revise the works and inspire authorities to reform laws?

The results obtained through this research ought to be able to shed light upon the reasons why opéra-comique was passionately interested in political expressions, offer additional evidence and explanations for the ambiguous and shifting relation of theatrical works and explicit political content and elucidate an operatic form’s practical contributions to a turbulent society.